
Provide conditions 

There is a lot of where methods available. Their name indicates a relation between column (or field) and a value i.e:

equal(column,value) - get records having column equal value
greater(column,value) - get records having column values greater value
notNull(column) - get records having column values not null

Mostly, queries are very simple, and usually needs just a single where condition.
In that case, you may use methods with 'where' prefix with a relation between first and second argument, as a suffix:

If you want to use where with many conditions, first you need to specify a relation between them, which may be and, or or not.

After that, method names indicating relation between arguments, will be available.

Methods allows values having type relevant to pointed column only.
However, keep in mind that parser methods are ready to use any time.  

Ever most sophisticated, hierarchical conditions, are available.

This approach also protects against committing the logical errors, which often takes place while working on and/or/not blocks.

Sub-queries are also possible:

'Where' methods might be used into joins as well under the same conditions.

Also, 'having' methods are very similar.

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e-mail: contact@daobab.io