Release Notes



November 2023

- Immutable entities

Since this moment Entities are immutable. As a result of every object chang (by settter), a new instance is being created. Immutable objects may be easy cloned by the reference duplication. Because of that, Daobab Entities are fully tread-safe.

- Frozen queries

Every query (Daobab object) may be 'frozen'. After this operation, the query cannot be modified (until unfreeze).
Frozen queries are extremely quick. Like a regural native queries.
This kind of queries however, still accepts dynamic parameters (like JPA Repository does).
Daobab "native" queries, so those where you provides the sql, are also frozed from now. It's possible to use parameters on them as well.

- ultra-fast Json convertion

really fast internal Json conversion. Daobab uses the information he has about the field types to make the json conversion very efficient.

- Internal TypeConverters

responsible for conversion from database object to any Java type

- Introduced REPLACE INTO

insert but on duplicated records only

- Introduced on duplicated key update

actions when rows are duplicated

- Insert for selected columns only

- removed countAny and distinct methods from query objects

those operations are available as regural functions from now on

- entities must have two contructors

Daobab revers engeenering creaed entities having double constructors. It speed up the internal immutable object creation.

- Introduced ColumnCache - column interfaces are simplified and optimized

- EntityRelation interface renamed to RelatedTo

- massive internal refactoring and cleaning


November 2023

Contains a serious bug. Please ignore


May 2023

- Kotlin support
It's possible to execute a reverse engineering for Kotlin
Daobab supports null safety types.
Kotlin DataBaseTarget contains the entire tables instances. The dedicated *Tables interface is not needed anymore.
Kotlin example project added to the repository.

- Column interfaces needs a second type which is their field Type
By introducing this change, it's possible to quickly change the type after reverencing engineering.
In Kotlin it's used for nullability indicator - by using or removing a question mark.

- The default date fields in java are based on java.time package not java.util as before

- added MsSql support

- Introduced TypeConverters. It's possible to have own datatypes. Daobab will dynamically convert it via YourType<-->DBType.

- skip (QueryEntity) - selected columns won't be read for an entity.

- only(QueryEntity) - only selected columns will be read for an entity.

- compositeKeys - refactoring and improvements

- fixed some functions

- improved query generations

- 'having' statement fixed


November 2022

- Plenty of work related to functions.
Since functions are strictly related to a database engine,
a few FunctionWhisperer interfaces has been created.
They gather methods exposing database functions.

- MSSSQL support

- fixed limits on Entities and Plates

- Plates may be ordered now

- fixed 'like' issue for Entities nad Plates

- fixed predictions for inner where clause

- fixed predictions bugs in where clause

- fixed Generator issues

- internal redesign of query buildings logic.
A target may have a dedicated query builder. One query builder per all targets is no longer a limit.
As a result, Daobab is able to build not only a sql based queries.

- NoHeap targets, but still as a experimental feature.
NoHeap targets stores a data outside the Heap memory. Keeping large data in this area does'n have an impact to the Java GC performance.
Daobab querying over them by SQL queries is possible, but yet there are some corner case issues to resolve.

- NoHeap buffers are automatically indexed
Indexes provides a significant improvement in the querying performance.

- Database target may use showSql flag
If enabled, every query will be logged.

- Huge internal optimization.


January 2022

- String based column identifiers are being handled into where/having/group/order clauses. Also it's possible to retrieve the values from Plates by those identifiers. 

- getValueOrElse methods added into the Plate

- added 'from' method into the queries. For most of the queries it's not necessary, but there are some corner case where pointing the root table is helpful.

- Where or Having methods in/notIn has been renamed to inFields/notInFields for collections

- Fixed some methods into the Having clause

- Entire Query may be used as an argument for a function or another query

- every target has a method to call stored procedures by default. If some target does not allow to call procedures, an error is being thrown.

- functions invoking has been changed. 

- Functions - dedicated interfaces to invoke Oracle, MySql, H2, PostgreSQL

- function result can be cast immediately to a particular type

- functions can be assigned to a string

- DataBaseTarget provides an meta information about tables and columns

- Meta information has been extended by indexes and keys

- Querying over meta information instead of typical entities and columns


May 2021

- MetaData - DatabaseTarget reads the real database structure during the initialization. It may be used for any kind of comparison between tables or to check, whether the currently generated classes are still complaint with the real schema.
it's possible to select over those data like on any other target.

- Statistics - every target may use statistic now.
You may access and query over the statistic collection, like on any other entity collection.

- Composites - a set of columns may be used as into queries for example to make quick whereEquals over many columns.

- PrimaryCompositeKey - PrimaryKeys on many columns.

- ByteBuffers - (unfinished) Daobab is able to work on structures outside the java Heap. It's a good solution for huge tables. Provides a huge performance gain.

- Improved Entities

- TableColumns - Every table has an unique characteristic into particular table. Information like size, nullable were missed before.

- Refactoring - some main Column methods names were changed.

- Generator improvements - Fixed problems with catalogs, prohibited names etc. Added massive generation of many catalogs/schemas. Some bugs has been tracked and fixed. A lot of new information are being printed.

- PlateBuffer became a regural target.

- AccessProtector has been greatly simplificated and refactored. Aplied to every target.

- RemoteTarget has been greatly simplifiated.

- Added manual single column generation.

- IdGenerator has been modified and simplified. Introduced a possibility to provide own in-code generator.

- static classes Select, Delete, Insert, Update has been pernamently removed. The only way to make queries, is to use target embedded methods. 

- insert selects - to insert directly from select

- dual selects

- source code exposed on GitHub


January 2021

- whole 'where' and 'having' methods were renamed. Method names indicates to relation between pointer and value. No need to import static Operator anymore. 

- all kind of queries may start from QueryTarget, it will be a recommended way to build queries from now. 

- new QueryTarget interface as a Target child - indicates target, which may be queried. 

- introducing findOne(), findMany(), findFirst() - result type may be changed quickly, without changing the query. Method result() has been removed. 

- Projection renamed to shorter and more intuitive Plate, ProjectionBox renamed to Plates, FlatProjection renamed to FlatPlate, FlatProjectionBox renamed to FlatPlates 

- Upgraded and simplified in-memory buffer engines. 

- Plates as QueryTarget (in-memory querying is possible over them) 

- selects over special 'DUAL' table 

- selects may contains another select as a function provider 

- inserts may contains selects 

- class package refactoring ,internal optimization, simplifying the code 

- introducing experimental package with automatic join inside 

- query translators were collected into a SqlQueryResolver class 

- introducing QueryWhisperer - a big help into quick query building 

- introducing FunctionWhisperer - eliminates static imports for functions 

- columns() method into each entity class returns List<Column> type 

- fixed EnhancedEntity default joinColumn() return value 

- SQL set operators like union, except, intersect, minus were added


July 2020

- simplified queries ( and Select.many) 

- Remote Targets (Server and Client) 

- Projections 

- Optimistic Concurrency Control 

- ExtendedEntities 

- Rewritten SQL Functions 

- some interfaces names were changes, refactoring 

- fixed errors


November 2019

First public release.

Totally new ORM approach, JPA independent. 

Complete library includes a generator.

© Copyright 2018-2023 Elephant Software Klaudiusz Wojtkowiak 